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McNeill Elementary School

Home of the Merlins

Students & Parents

Katy YMCA: (281) 392-5055

Doors Open: 7:15 am
Start Time: 7:45 am (*Tardy beginning at 7:46 am)
End Time: 3:10 pm

Transportation changes must be received prior to 2:00 pm.
Students may not be checked out after 2:00 pm.

Important Policies, Information and Rules
District Academic Calendar: Click here to view the district calendar.

Campus Newsletter: For the latest in school news and events, please check the McNeill homepage at the beginning of each month. Posted under the "Campus News" section, you will find the monthly parent newsletter, the Merlin Messenger.

Conference Schedules: Conferences are scheduled before/after school or during Specials. Please schedule conferences with your child's teacher in advance.

Dress Code: For Dress Code guidelines, please click on this link. If you have any questions please call 832-223-2800.

PTO Information: To find out more about our campus PTO, volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, etc. please click here.

Registration Information: Follow this link for all NEW student registration information.

Tardy Policy: Students arriving after 7:45 am are considered tardy. A tardy slip must be obtained from the front office prior to being admitted to class.

STAAR Testing Dates (2023-24):
April 11, 2024: Grades 3-5 Reading
April 18, 2024: Grade 5 Science
April 25, 2024:    Grades 3-5 Math

On all STAAR designated days, McNeill Elementary is a "CLOSED CAMPUS." Parents, visitors, and volunteers are not permitted inside the school for testing security purposes.

Bullying and Child Safety Information
Information for Parents on Sexual Abuse

District Bullying Brochure

District Bullying Brochure (Español)

R U Safe?- Internet Safety Information. This resource is sponsored by the TYLA (Texas Young Lawyer's Association). It is designed to educate children and their parents about online dangers and give them the tools needed to be safe while online. It is intended to serve students at every age level (Elementary, Middle School, and High School) and also contain a section for parents. Using experts from law enforcement and child advocacy groups, the video covers such wide-ranging topics as cyber bullying, social networking sites, chat rooms, "sexting", and online predators.

Child Safety When Home Alone

Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline

Call 775-784-8090
Text "ANSWER" to 839863